Move More recognises its moral and statutory responsibility to safeguard and promote the welfare of all young people it works with.
we provide a safe and welcoming environment where children are respected and valued.
Our safeguarding policy is adopted by all staff, Trustees and volunteers.
Every member of Move More staff receives safeguarding training; all staff are supported by named Safeguarding Leads and a nominated Trustee for safeguarding and child protection.
Members of staff are alert to the signs of abuse and neglect and follow our procedures to ensure that children receive effective support, protection and justice.
It is the responsibility of all staff to uphold the quality and standard of our safeguarding practices.
Where extended school activities are provided by and managed by Move More, our own Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy and procedures will apply in conjunction with the host venue where appropriate i.e. school site.
If other organisations provide services or activities on our behalf, we will check that they have appropriate procedures in place, including safer recruitment procedures.
If you have a safeguarding concern or would like to discuss any aspect of our policy, please get in touch with us.