
A big concern over Christmas can be managing to not put on any extra weight. Christmas is known as a time for indulgence, the end of a year and beginning of a new one. The temptation to go out with a bang and vow to make a complete U Turn in January is very great! Panic not! There are lots of subtle things you can do to prevent piling on those pounds this Christmas whilst keeping your festive spirits high!

Shopping! – If you have a pedometer, wear it while you shop. You’ll be surprised how many steps you rack up in a few hours of Christmas shopping. You’ll burn even more calories if you buy your heaviest item first and carry it with you throughout your shopping session.

Christmas Markets! – A long walk around the local Christmas markets is always full of fun and festive cheer. There is so much to look at you won’t even notice the distance you travel! Its also a great way to support local small businesses too.

Parking! – Whether you’re driving to work or into town for a spot of Christmas shopping, try parking further away than usual to boost your step count for the day. If you get the bus, why not try getting off one stop earlier?

Step it up! – Walking up stairs and escalators is an accessible way to seamlessly incorporate movement into your day. Busy shopping centres may mean you have to park on the top level of the car park. Take advantage of the opportunity to fit in some easy exercise!

Cleaning! – Make your home shine like a star this Christmas. Dusting, sweeping, scrubbing, cleaning the windows, mopping, gardening, and vacuuming really work your muscles and can help you towards your fitness goals.

Delivery! – If you write Christmas cards for friends and relatives who live locally, why not deliver them by hand this year instead of popping them in the post? It’s also a great way to save on stamps and keep that communication going over the festive period!

Winter Walks! – There are many local places that dress up for Christmas that you can visit, many of which are free (Top Tip! Cold Pool Lane in Cheltenham is quite a sight!). Wrap up warm and go out for a family walk or meet up with some friends. Not only is it an affordable and safer way to socialise but it’s also a brilliant way to get into Christmas mood, looking at all the lights and house decorations on the surrounding streets nearby. You could each vote for your favourite house as you go along!

Just Dance! – There are many YouTube videos available online that you can learn dance moves too so why not challenge your loved ones to a dance-off this Christmas! A really active way to have some family fun together.

Video!No Child Left Behind have pulled together some fantastic Christmas activity videos for families to do this holiday. Head over to their Facebook page and you will find:

  • Dancing video from our very own Tanya at Move More.
  • A Christmas Circuit from Allsorts Gloucestershire.
  • A Christmas Story told through yoga by Lucy at Pyramid Adventures Yoga.
  • A Kickboxing video from Ethan here at Move More (coming soon).

We hope you enjoy the rest of your Christmas break and wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!