- Matches are eight-a-side and 20 mins each way
2. Roll on/off subs
3. Home team to supply ref and match balls (size four)
4. No off-sides
5. All free kicks are direct
6. Shin pads must be worn
7. Win=3pts, draw=2pts and loss=1ptIn the Large School competition there are four groups of four and teams play each other home and away. The top two teams in each group will qualify for the final stages next term – Spring 2018. Winners of A + B and runners-up of C + D will form one group and Group C + D winners and runners-up from A + B make up the other.
Teams : Selected from Years 5/6 mixed gender.
Teams that do not qualify will play in a Plate Tournament which will be made up from the third placed teams of A + B and the 4th placed teams of C + D for one group and Group C + D 3rd placed teams and 4th placed from A + B making up the other.
In the Small Schools there are 15 schools entered into three groups of five. Schools only play each other once – two home games and two away. The top two teams will qualify for the final stages plus two other schools with the most number of points. A draw will then be made to form two pools of four for the Spring term.
If teams finish with the same points at any stage, overall goal difference and then goals scored will be used to separate them. If these are identical, the aggregate score in the matches between the two teams (autumn) or the score in their one meeting (spring) will be used.