Heidi’s Heroes is charity that we work in partnership with to deliver an annual swimming intervention programme for year 5 (and some year 6) pupils. It is for those that are not on course to achieve the three national curriculum school swimming objectives listed below.
Each pupil is required to be able to do the following:
- Perform safe self-rescue in different water based situations
- Swim competently, confidently and proficiently over a distance of at least 25 metres (without floating aids)
- Use a range of strokes effectively, for example, front crawl, backstroke and breaststroke.
The intervention takes place from Monday to Friday at the same time every day. Schools across Cheltenham and Tewkesbury are invited to put forward pupils that are behind track on meeting the national curriculum requirements listed above. Children are invited from years 5 and 6 to attend a daily half hour swimming lesson with one of our qualified swimming instructors. This week long, daily swimming programme is designed to significantly boost a child’s swimming abilities and confidence in and around the water.
Monday 17th April – Friday 21st April 2023
CLC Health and Fitness Centre, Malvern Road GL50 2NX
Schools are now invited to register for the forthcoming Heidi’s Heroes swimming programme 2023!
Registration will take place in 2 stages.
Stage One – please complete your schools registration form below. This will give us an idea of overall numbers for the day and also a rough idea of children’s overall abilities.
Stage Two – You will be asked to complete an assessment form detailing the children that you would like to put forward for the event and also their individual needs in order for us to make sure that they are grouped correctly.
IMPORTANT NOTICE – In order for us to maintain ongoing funding for this intervention it is imperative that we get an accurate baseline test of every pupils swimming ability at the beginning of the week. To assist with this, please make sure that the assessment form in stage 2 of the registration process is completed and returned by the 10TH March 2023. This information is vital in helping us record their baseline ability prior to the programme start, ensure they are out into the correct group and also save precious pool time on day one of the intervention.
When registering, you will be asked to indicate the number of children you believe would benefit from this intervention and also specify how many of those children identify to one of the three different categories below:
Category 1
Nervous of entering water safely, lifting feet off the floor or letting go of the side.
Nervous of jumping in and returning to the wall, putting face in the water or blowing bubbles in the water.
Requires a lot of physical and verbal encouragement or one to one support.
Category 2
Confident in water and willing to try but unable to safely float on their front or back even with a floating aid
Confident but unable to kick with woggle, a float or on their back with arms by sides.
Unable to perform safe self-rescue in a pool situation.
Category 3
Can travel 6m+ distance WITH a floating aid
Can confidently jump in and get out of a pool
Unable to travel 6m+ without a floating aid
Please fill out the registration form below.
We will try to ensure that as many core membership schools as possible can access the intervention, prioritising categories starting with those pupils with the greatest need i.e. starting with Category 1.
With limited resources and high numbers of pupils expected, there may be a limit to the number of pupils being accommodated per school.
After you have completed your registration, please continue to STAGE TWO by downloading and returning this form to maija@move-more.org before the 10TH March 2023.
Thank you.