Move More are holding two 30 minute webinars for Headteachers (and PE Coordinators) all about Creating Active Schools (CAS) and the new pilot school opportunity.
It’s been widely studied and evidenced that physical activity BOOSTS your mental activity, personal wellbeing and keeps us fit and healthy. However, as a county we are currently facing some worrying statistics…
- Almost 1 in 4 children across Gloucestershire are classified as overweight or obese.
- The most deprived areas in Cheltenham and Tewkesbury have some of the highest obesity rates in the county.
- Less than 1 in 5 children across Cheltenham and Tewkesbury are achieving the CMOs recommended guidance of 60+ minutes of physical activity everyday.
- Children aged 5 – 15 spend a total of 4 hours 3 minutes each day in front of a screen.
Interested in being a pilot school? Join our webinar!
Webinar Audience: Head teachers (can be accompanied by PE Co–ordinators).
Webinar Facilitators: Jeanette Quinn (Deputy CEO), Andy Herbert (Head of Development)
When: Thursday 12th May 2022 10.00am -10.30am repeated Tuesday 17th May 2022 10.00am -10.30 am
- Understand key elements of the framework, training and action planning process.
- Understand school’s commitment & timelines.
- Awareness of impact evidence gathering.
- Sign up process
For more information please visit https://www.creatingactiveschools.org/