You think you should discipline your child a certain way and your partner completely disagrees. You each become entrenched in your views. What started as an issue that your child struggled with, has now become an issue between you and your partner. Emotions run high, children are either confused, try to exploit the situation (divide and conquer!) or are scared and you and your partner no longer parent as a team.
We have all been here. As different people with different views, we disagree with each other on many things and especially on such a potentially triggering issue like parenting. If this is something that is currently an issue in your family, our online session is the right place for you. Session will be run on Zoom (details below) by Marijana Filipovic-Carter, our school’s Family engagement and support lead from Move-More.
During this session we will:
- Identify your own and your partner’s parenting styles;
- Reflect on own parenting practices that might invite arguments with your partner;
- Recognise how parenting disagreements can affect children;
- Explore tools you and your partner can use to parent as a team.
How do I join this online session: To take part in our webinar, simply click on this link https://us06web.zoom.us/j/84416836700?pwd=ZUhBMHVaTkNsV3RQTzdLdXltWmtaUT09
Or type in the following information in your Zoom app:
Meeting ID: 844 1683 6700
Passcode: 727369
Any questions or problems, please email Marijana on marijana@move-more.org.
We are looking forward to seeing you on the 29th of March!
Bookings are closed for this event.