
We look forward to welcoming you to the 2023 PE Conference! A description of our workshop choices are detailed below followed by the registration form at the bottom of the page. Please complete one form per delegate. Each delegate must select three workshops.

Please make sure that you register your workshop choices no later than the 19th October 2023. If we don’t receive your workshop preference form by this date then we will allocate your workshop choices on your behalf, subject to availability.


8:45  Registration
9:00 Welcome address – Will Parker, Move More Chairman
9:15  Keynote 1 Hanna Miller from OFSTED
10:45  Refreshments
11:00  Workshop 1 
12:00 Lunch
12:45 Active Gloucestershire: Physical Literacy Statement
13:00  Keynote 2 Sue Wilkinson from AfPE
13:45  Workshop 2 
15:00  Workshop 3

WORKSHOP ONE 11.00am-12.00pm

Please choose one of the five workshops below and complete the form at the bottom of the page.

Improving Children's Attendance: strategies for better parental communication and engagement

Facilitator: Marijana Filipovic-Carter, Move More Family Engagement & Support Lead

Since Covid, attendance has become one of the most pressing issues in schools with persistent absences now 10% higher than before Covid. One of the consequences of that is that children are not only missing education but also the opportunities to develop their social and emotional skills. Attendance issues can further impact our ability safeguard children. Given that for primary aged children, parents/carers are mainly responsible for their attendance, the spotlight must be on them. This is why this workshop will focus on discussing strategies to improve parental communication and engagement and allowing opportunities to share best practice.   

Practical Yoga for Key Stage 1 & 2

Facilitator: Aaron Martin, Move More Physical Activity & Health Coach

Come and join in a practical creative yoga session, suitable for KS1 and KS2 children.  
The session will explore yoga for children, using a variety of age appropriate fun themes including shapes and animals, storytelling, visualisation and yoga games. Yoga poses will help children develop body awareness, core strength and posture, balance, flexibility, coordination, alongside breathing exercises, self-regulation. 

The Good PE Coordinator Guide: including PE & Sport premium Funding

Facilitators: Caryn Smith – Deputy Head ST James Primary, Cheltenham & Sam Rowson, Move More Head or Education

An opportunity to explore the different roles and responsibilities of a PE coordinator. This workshop will give practical advice on how to tackle the multi-faceted role of a PE coordinator; looking at curriculum planning, Primary PE and School Sport Premium funding, staff confidence and competence in the subject, extra-curricular provision and competitions.

Outdoor and Adventurous Activity

Facilitator: Gemma Sharples: PGCE (PE) QTS Programme Manager PE & School Sport & Senior Lecturer at Hartpury University 

During this workshop you will explore ideas on how to develop physical literacy in natural spaces.
How you can utilise areas with limited spaces or with little equipment, with a key focus on developing greater physical literacy through OAA and the outdoors. 

WORKSHOP Two 1.45-2.45pm

Please choose one of the four workshops below and complete the form at the bottom of the page.

Food and Mood: how what we eat impacts our mental state

Facilitator: Marijana Filipovic-Carter, Move More Family Engagement & Support Lead

It is a well-accepted fact that the quality of our diet affects our physical health. However, the question that has increasingly been raised in the scientific world is: how does diet affect the health of the brain and behaviour accordingly? Can it be that diet causes some of the behaviour issues that we are facing with children? Can some of the mental health pandemic that we are witnessing amongst children and young people be attributed to what they are eating? Is it possible that what we eat contributes to our own feelings of agitation, worry, low mood, brain fog and similar? And if so, what can we do about it? This workshop will focus exactly on this: understanding potential diet related causes of children’s mental states and exploring ways we can start making diet changes straight away to aid our own mental resilience. 

Inclusion: Neurodiversity and Physical Activity

Facilitator: Matt Coldrey, Programme Manager in Sports Coaching at Hartpury University

In this session we will explore some of the symptoms and behaviours of ADHD and Autism, and explore some of the strategies that can be used to create an inclusive learning environment. This session will be interactive and discursive. 

An Introduction to "Meaningful" PE

Facilitator: Jordan Wintle Senior Lecturer in Sport & Exercise, University of Gloucestershire. 
An overview of the key features of meaningful PE (fun, social interaction, motor competence, challenge, personally relevant learning and pedagogies (democratic approaches, goal setting, reflection) of Meaningful Physical Education. 

Gamification in PE: Different Ways to Differentiate

Facilitators: Callum Smith & Jordan Marter – Move More Physical Activity & Health Managers

A practical demonstration of a different way to differentiate within your PE lessons, through the vehicle of Ultimate Frisbee. This will focus on a ‘video game’ level approach to differentiate skills within lessons, allowing you to provide positive experiences, alongside allowing children autonomy, to feel competent whatever their skill level and how to create a learning environment which is relatable for all children.

WORKSHOP THREE 3.00-4.00pm

Please choose one of the four workshops below and complete the form at the bottom of the page.

The Explosive Child: better understanding and management

Facilitator: Marijana Filipovic-Carter, Move More Family Engagement & Support Lead

This workshop will focus on the psychology of anger and characteristics of explosive children. It will also look at potential triggers that might be causing big explosions. Finally, it will explore some tools, techniques, and strategies to help you manage explosive children in a way that meets their needs and teaches boundaries at the same time.   

Being an Active School: including CAS

Facilitators: Caryn Smith – Deputy Head ST James Primary, Cheltenham & Sam Rowson, Move More Head of Education

A look at how to approach physical activity across the school. Ideas to create a whole school physical activity approach that spreads much wider than “just” curriculum PE. This includes approaches to getting whole school buy in, active travel, physically active learning and active break times. 

Lifestyle Sports in PE (Parkor)

Facilitator: Jordan Wintle, Senior Lecturer in Sport & Exercise, University of Gloucestershire  

A practical introduction to Parkour, exploring the delivery of parkour in the National Curriculum for PE including balance, landing, jumping, vaulting and the development of parkour courses. We will demonstrate how parkour brings to life elements of meaningful PE.